
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Rare Disease Day 2021

To celebrate Rare Disease Day, I had the chance to contribute to a podcast in honor of our rare son, Bridger.

Here is a little snipet:
This  sweet boy is one of my greatest blessings.   
The way he handles his physical trials each day is unbelievable.
The small things we take for granted are his biggest challenges.  Just holding his head up, for example, takes every ounce of energy he can muster.
And yes.....naps each day are still in order.  He works so hard that his broken body gets so worn out.
It's hard to put into words what this boy means to me.  He is one of my greatest blessings.  Because of him, we have a special spirit  in our home.  I know he has the best guardian angels watching out for him constantly.  He is precious, positive, pure, and practically perfect in every way.  Today, and every day, we honor you, Bridger Trey!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Meltdown Miracle

This past year, Bridger has started to have some major meltdowns.  They hit at a moments notice and include intense screaming, crying, and tensing his whole body.   It's almost impossible to console him at times like this.  He is continually our science experiment as we try different strategies to help him through these moments. 

 Just this last week, out of nowhere, during his ABA session a major meltdown ensued.  He was SO mad.  I always start by giving him his communication device (tobii dynavox) to see if he will use it to communicate to me what is wrong.  When he's this mad, he tends to just push it away, and that's exactly what he did.  

I tried all sorts of his favorite things, and nothing helped.  And then.... much to my surprise, he took his hand and pointed it towards me.  I got the vibe that maybe, just maybe he wanted me to hold him?  SO I picked him up and held him tight while rocking him.  And slowly, he started to calm down.  

The tears stopped, he relaxed in my arms, and then.... he started to look up at the ceiling, so intently, at one specific spot.   I got goosebumps, as I felt a wave of the spirit come over me.  I knew, without a doubt, one of Bridger's angels was near.  Tears spilled from my eyes and I desperately wanted to know who our angelic visitor was.  I have a strong feeling it was my sweet daddy.  

 I'm grateful to know we have angels near, always ready to help in these moments we need them most.  I pray often for Bridger's guardian angels to be near.   This moment was precious and confirmed those prayers for his guardian angel are being heard.

Images by Freepik