
Friday, June 2, 2017

Strength during a Storm

Countless experiences have taught me that every sincere prayer uttered is heard.  I'm always astounded at the answers and how they come.... some answers come instantly, and some years later. I need to document a recent experience I had with prayer for my family, friends, and others who ever doubt if there is someone listening.

It's difficult to even put into words what it's like raising a child like Bridger.  This has been the most challenging/rewarding thing I've ever experienced.  It has tested us beyond my limits, and thankfully Heavenly Father has been there to help carry us through.  

I try my best to maintain an eternal perspective as Bridger continually suffers and battles countless physical issues and discomforts;  this isn't going to be forever, it is just a small moment.  Bridger will eventually be exalted and be made perfect.  

Several months ago, Bridger started doing amazing...  He was having fantastic nights where he'd sleep through the night, his vomiting was decreasing, and overall, he was happier and pleasant during the day.  We were so excited about this and weren't sure what brought it on- as nothing we had done had changed.  

Sadly, this didn't last forever.  The yuckiness came back, he started throwing up every night before bed, during the night he'd wake multiple times crying, hurting, and throwing up, and then again in the morning he'd awake early and throw up again.  He was miserable and sad all the time and acted like he was hurting. Days were hard, nights were harder--- it just seemed like he couldn't shake it and the there was no end in sight.  When Bridger isn't doing well, it starts to take it's toll.   During this time, I took him into the doc over the course of two months at least a dozen times for consultations, antibiotics, and such as they kept saying it was an ear infecion.  We also saw the ENT twice- and he would say the opposite- NO ear infection.  SO, what's a mom to do.  One doc says one thing, one says another.....all of which resulted in no diffinitive answers.

On the way home from the last doctor visit, I lost it.  After leaving with NO answers again, my emotions were on my sleeve.  As I drove, I prayed out loud through the tears, asking Heavenly Father what to do.  I try and try and try....and fail and fail and fail.... and can't seem to find anyone to figure out what's wrong or help relieve him from his sufferings.  Watching your child suffer continually is the most difficult thing to endure.  I poured my heart out and put it all out on the table.

When we got home, we continued about our day and then later that same evening, I received a text from a friend I hadn't touched base with in a while. 

In her text she said: "I'm reading this book that I'm loving.  There is a chapter in here that I can't help but share with you":

Some would call this pure coincidence....  To me, this was a direct answer from a loving Father in Heaven, to me, a mother questioning how to continue on raising this precious son with so many needs. After reading this, which I know was a direct answer to my pleading prayer that day, I instantly fell to my knees in gratitude to my Father in Heaven for the way he spoke to my heart and calmed my storm.  This answered prayer has lead me to have more strength, more gratitude, and a deeper love for my Father in Heaven. 

I'll be ever thankful to this sweet friend for acting on a prompting and being the instrument in God's hands to provide the answer I was so desperately looking for.

Just as we are promised in James 1:5- "If you lack wisdom...ask of God."  I can say without any reservations, he will answer, he will help you through your storms.
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